
A Quick Guide to USB Port Symbols, Logos, and I...

Here is our comprehensive breakdown of the symbols and logos commonly found on USB-compatible laptops and devices like connection ports, storage drives, charging cables, and more. Our hope is that...

More to Know About USB-C Connections - (USB-C C...

In our last breakdown of USB-C, we walked through the key features separating the USB-C connection type from its predecessors, focusing on the generations of USB technology and the upgrades...

Thunderbolt™ 3 vs. Thunderbolt™ 4

In broad strokes, Thunderbolt™ 4 describes the progression in the Thunderbolt™ connectivity protocol that supports fast data transfer, charging, and high-res video via the ubiquitous USB-C connector. Under the hood,...

VT5400 – Thunderbolt™ 4 Docking Station

As one of our most sophisticated docks designed to-date the VT5400 Thunderbolt™4 Docking Station is a huge upgrade to any home, office, or gaming system in terms of speed and...

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About USB-C

These days USB-C is widespread throughout various pieces of tech due to its charging and data transfer capabilities. Faster and more compact than its predecessor USB Type-A (also known as...

Find the Right Wireless Portable Speakers to Br...

Perfect for home gyms, beach outings, hiking, golfing, family barbecues and mobile desk spaces, portable speakers are a classic accessory with major utility. Even better, modern portable speakers are more...